Friday, August 17, 2012

Reading Aloud: Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre
Written by Charlotte Bronte

Since Jane Eyre has been around for some time, I do not believe I could summarize it in a way that does it justice. New York University provides a summary of Jane Eyre written by Pamela Moore and Jack Coulehan, which may be found clicking here.

The romance of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester is one of the most notable in literature, because it defies the love story formula see in Victorian novels. Jane exerts her will to choose as an independent, while Mr. Rochester suffers, helpless to stop her. 

I happened to stumble upon a website that contained essays comparing symbolism, themes, and motifs in Jane Eyre to Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, which can be found by clicking here. After spending so much time studying Alice works at Oxford and studying Victorian novels in high school, they are insightful essays that lend more depth to each of the works.

I have tried reading Jane Eyre several times before and failed to keep my attention past the first few chapters. Watching the latest movie adaptation of Jane Eyre (2011) in the spring and reading a beautiful Penguin Classics edition of the book created by fashion illustrator Ruben Toledo boosted my confidence to keep with it this time.

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