Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How to Spend 72 Hours in California

Leave the airport and waste no time getting to where you want to be.

I barely had one weekend to explore NoCal while visiting my friend Steph in San Francisco.

I landed on Friday morning and left on Sunday night, so we made every minute count.

The Flight 

It's worth nothing that I booked this trip two weeks in advance. I was shocked to find a $445 flight with Delta Airlines.

The 5:30 AM EST flight from JFK to SFO was virtually painless since I packed everything I needed in a carry-on. There was a brief layover in Cincinnati, but the plane still arrived in time at 11:30 AM PST.

I waited for Steph on the curb of Terminal 1 while she picked up the rental car...
Steph was also waiting for me in the rental car circling Terminal 1...

After 20 minutes of confusion, it turns out that I was upstairs and she was downstairs. So. If you're having someone pick you up, make sure you cite the number of the door you're at and a parking attendant will be able to tell you if you're at Arrivals or Departures...

Drive-By the Tech Campuses

We were heading south to Monterey anyway, so we drove by Facebook and Google. It's cool to see these powerful social networks and search engines in a tangible form besides the seeing them as names of apps on your smartphone.

Silicon Valley may as well be called The Cradle of Life for the Modern World.

Break Your Diet and Order the Burger

I had In-N-Out Burger for the first time and kept it simple with a cheeseburger and fries. My arterial paths have been forever altered.

I couldn't take a picture, because I couldn't have eaten it fast enough.

Put the iPhone Away and Look Up

It's hard to ignore the amazing landscape driving through California.

For the record, the depiction of the Sunshine State's golden aura in books, movies and video games is fairly accurate. The rolling hills, the farms, the blue skies, the fog...It's hard to pinpoint exactly where the gold-colored lens comes from when there are so many details that compose the picture.

After a 90 minute drive, we made it Monterey and headed to Big Sur...

Here are the rest of the links for the complete summary of my trip...

1 comment:

  1. There are two main types of car hire companies; the first group being one that own all of the cars that they are using for rental purposes, this is known as a 'fleet.' The second type is companies who operate on what's known as a broker model. Rent an exotic car
