Saturday, September 29, 2012

Boston: In Search of Boston Fashion Week

Even though I came to Boston to visit my boyfriend for the day, it was only natural for me to try to find Boston Fashion Week events before I had to catch my 6:45 pm train at Back Bay. I looked on the BFW Facebook page and website to find that most of the shows and events either had higher admittance costs a broke college student would hesitate to pay for  or planned to happen later in the evening. 

Nevertheless, I was determined to do something that had to do with Boston Fashion Week.

After my boyfriend made lunch--shrimp teriyaki with rice pilaf--we headed to Boylston Street to find the main venue for Boston Fashion Week. I wanted to peek at The Tent in the Mandarin Hotel, but it was clear that the hotel attendants would not be pleased to see a college couple wandering around the lobby looking for The Tent. Instead, we turned around, ordered a Caramel Apple Spice and a Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks, and enjoyed people-watching while sitting outside.  

The next place I wanted to check out was Copley Place--Boston Fashion Week advertised a photography and portrait event outside of Neiman Marcus. We went to Copley and walked by a "wearable art" exhibit designed by MassArt fashion students. We spent a lot of time looking at the MassArt exhibit--by the time we were finished, we went back to my boyfriend's to eat dinner before I had to head home. 

I may not have had the time to fully participate in Boston Fashion Week events, but being in the town is inspiring enough to get a sense of this season's fall style. It was a beautiful autumn day to spend with my boyfriend in Boston. I am so appreciative he took me to Copley and stood patiently while I prattled on about corset boning, Downton Abbey influences, and cocktail dresses.  

Doing what makes you passionate is important, but spending time with the people you love is what truly matters most. 

Today's Outfit: Cardigan, Banana Republic; Shirt, American Eagle; Jeans, Gap; Booties,  (from Tropical Gangstilettos)
From Right: Cocktail Dress made of Tea Bags; Evening Gown made of  Paper Clips; Cocktail Dress made of Sponges
Evening Gown made of bark
Cocktail dress made up of guitar picks


At the Reflecting Pool by the Prudential Center

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